~♡| Aalishu💓✭❥❀


You Matters Most to Me Alot❣ She's Like A Fairy Angel🧚‍♀ ️She's Mine Queen😍💋👸 @AalishaPanwar157 di Liked❤(x32) She Reposted {x3}😇Blessed #Aalishians
Here's Wishing a very happy New Year to one of my favourite people' on earth., Happy New Year 2023!!🎉🎊🥳 God's blessings always be upon all of us 🙏😇🤲🤗Here's to another 365 days of memories and success a good health and wealth as well 😃 and also take care of yourself and your parents,be safe always and don't forget to smile 😁;) love you All 💕😘@aalishapanwar157 @jennsha_world_ @aalishapanwar.mylovely @aalishabeautyqueen @shoaib2087 @aalishadreamers @just_for_aalisha @aarohi_panwar_18 @anita.panwar.3720 @dharmishthadagia @_dineshpanwar_ @aalisha.fam157 @aalishasfp @aalisha_holic_ @aalisha_adorable @aalisha_my_dreamworld {#rollarcoaster #memoriesforlife #upanddown #365days #aalishapanwar #anotheryear }
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#aalishapanwar #anitapanwar #pondsindia #winterseason❄️ #lastyear #motherdaughterlove#instareels
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💗🌸✨<@aalishapanwar157 >
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EVERYTHING FOR You @aalishapanwar157 💙🧿 because i love you sooo much 😍😚
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#aalishapanwar157 #aalishapanwar #instalike #instareels #queenofmyheart #aalishapanwarfans #aalishiansforever #aalishapanwardiaries #aalishians #alishapanwar #aalishapanwar
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💕🦋@aalishapanwar157 #aalishapanwar157 #aalishapanwardiaries #aalishapanwar #aalishians #pahadigirl #shimlaqueengirl👸
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@AalishaPanwar157 #aalishapanwarfans #aalishapanwar #aalishapanwar157 #aalishapanwardiaries #rarevibe #princessqueen #alishapanwar
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@AalishaPanwar157 #aalishapanwarfans #aalishapanwar #aalishapanwar157 #aalishapanwardiaries #rarevibe #princessqueen #alishapanwar
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Soo Much Gorgeously Stunningly Our Aalishu dii is lookings no doubt it is !!!and in her smile i forgot my password!!!💛⭐💫@aalishapanwar157 #aalishapanwar
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This song of this lyrics match it the way express my feelings love, respect to you both 🥰 My words that in my heart 💜 last four,five now 🥹🤌🏻 really it is very difficult to take time out for us and hear this three lyrics which is for both of you @aalishapanwar157 @meera.deosthale 🙃Bye will met next year and i will keep praying for you and don't forget to make smile yourself and ourselves too and also enjoy the best because life is little 🤏 everything it once nothing twice 🙂#aalishapanwar #meeradeosthale #instagram #fangirlforever
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Gulab ke Phoolon ki tarah aap hamesha khilkhila thi rahi; Hamari dua hai aap hamesha har dum khush rahe hai apke parents,bahen ke sath hamara pyaar himmat milta rahega apko har dum hamesha 🧿❤️😍🙂😘#aalishapanwar @aalishapanwar157
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