Mumbai BJP Congress leaders, ministers, administration, police etc are influenced by man-made temptations like prostitutes, alcohol, God name violation, should be more cautious than Shiv Sena, these Maratha caste people jump more.
Mumbai Shiv Sena they are associated with soil, soil, nature, environmental violation, animals, birds, atrocities, prostitution affected areas, selfishness, casteism, conspiracy, reservationism etc. You all should be more cautious while coming in contact with them. The number of castes involved in deadly attacks on the border is the highest here. Those who are not God, hurt by making God etc.
Those who hack our numbers and accounts include police, politicians, ministers, government administration, women police, Mumbai hypocrisy + IND.
9131448012 Hank 8109972189 Available
You will be alerted as far as possible, hypocrisy IND is going to be destroyed, the application has been submitted and the application will be submitted in the protection of soil, soil, nature, environmental protection, animal, bird and animals, till then, holy body, holy activities, holy results.
6 days ago
1 day ago
7 hours ago